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I wake up to the realisation that 1/4th of my Raw food journey is already over! I check myself to see if yesterday's tussle has not proved more expensive than what I thought... But besides the ugly bruise on my left forearm, everything else seems ok. My neck has stopped hurting and besides an occasional smarting of the right wrist, I feel nothing is amiss. And yippie my weight has finally budged from what it was and has gone down by some 300 gms :) I tell myself to take S's advise and stop looking at the scale and freaking out each time

Today's morning juice is Dudhi & Spinach and mixture of green and black Grapes. Lunch is a raw Papaya salad, Aamras and pickle.

Travelling Foodie's Tropical Raw Papaya Salad:


Raw Papaya grated

Pomegranate Pearls

Red & Yellow bell pepper thinly sliced

Moon Sprouts

A dash of microgreens


For dressing:

A pod or two of grated garlic

Green Chilli paste




Method: Toss everything together just before eating. This salad tastes yummy even cold.

Munchies in between are Thai Guava, Chikoo, Jamun and cucumber sticks with mint and raw mango chutney. I also have a Ganga Jamuna Saraswati (Orange, Mosambi & Pineapple juice) at tea-time. Funnily it is a day free of cravings I think as I sip on the cooler. On my way home I pick up my stock of veggies and fruits. I get my favourite Tadgolas (ice-apples)

I spend the evening with a friend chilling, talking about old times and having a drink of vodka with lemon barley concentrate... yeah I know I know I cheated... but I tell myself vodka is raw food right (i don't want to be reminded of that concentrate loaded with preservatives)... and I cannot have it neat try as I might :( I order for a Greek Salad as chakna and stay away from any Chinese starters or Nachos which I love gobbling up, whenever I am having a drink.

Day 11 passes in a jiffy and free of any cravings!

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