The last couple of days I have forgotten all about exercise, and that bit about incorporating healthy habits in my routine :( Still not able to sleep early or get up early and push myself to go out for that walk or use that treadmill that has been accumulating dust for the last few months or is it years I forget! So I get up at the usual time and start getting ready for office. Oh by the way I admit albeit sheepishly that I have been cheating and sneakily standing on that weighing scale...almost everyday cause I am obsessed with my weight... have been for years. I panic. My weight has not moved even a few grams in the last few days. It did drop by 2.5 kgs the first 5 days but that was partly because my body purged whatever was within on the first day. And now it seems to have hit a plateau. I wonder why I am putting myself through this if my goal is not going to be achieved. I call S. He tells me to just concentrate on staying on track and to stop thinking about my weight. I relent and get ready for another day of eating raw.
Todays juice is plain Watermelon with a dash of chaat masala.
Lunch is a mix of the following:
- Lettuce, finely chopped
- Apple, cubed
- Onion, finely chopped
- Yellow and Red Bell Pepper thinly sliced
- The dressing is dry oregano, lemon, honey and salt... So let's call it the Travelling Foodie's Tropical Salad ;)
For dessert today I have my favourite - Aamras made of both Alphonso and Pairi :P I like this combination than having either of them independently. I think the flavours and textures of both variety of mangoes blend nicely to give a unique taste.
At regular intervals I munch on honey melon, Pomegranate & Apple. In the evening I snack on Carrot & Cucumber sticks with Rajkot Chutney as a dip and night I have an elaichi banana & a mango in Bandra at my Mama Mami's place. On most Thursday evenings after office you will find me here. I jokingly tell my Mami... that she is partly responsible for my weight gain as she loves feeding and stuffing everyone within reach with rich food. Funnily both my Mama and Mami are skinny... It is only me in the family blessed with the wong genes :(
On may way back home which is in Thane, I hail an auto. As I am crossing Nahur, I notice a bike with a hunk driving pillon throwing me a glance. I generally am someone who doesn't notice anyone if I am lost in thoughts, which is more often than not. Even if you come face to face, you have to shake me, to make me realise it is someone I know passing me or standing in front of me. Anyway, I happen to notice this guy in gray T-shirt who is quite tall and muscled (did I mention good looking). He must have been some 6'4" and is riding pillion with someone who had a helmet on and is wearing a black T-shirt. They disappear as soon as they appear. And as soon as they disappear, they do so from my mind too.
The last bridge that enters Mumbai Toll Naka is flooded, so I ask my rickshaw driver to skip the bridge and drive from below as I can see a clear road on the left. We are at a decent speed when something hits my hand and before I realise what is happening, I see the gray T-shirt speeding away with a broken strap of my handbag, which incidentally I was clutching to my chest. They take a U-turn under the bridge as they would have got caught at the toll naka and disappear before I come to my senses.
The reason for my mentioning this small episode is that I realised two things: one, my reflexes are as strong as ever and two the diet has not made me weak. If at the speed at which we were, I could hold on to my bag without letting someone who is bulkier get the better of me, I am going to stop listening to all those people who keep telling me I will become weak with this diet. All I suffered was a bruise on my left arm where his hand hit me real hard and a slight pain in my arms and neck due to being yanked so forcefully. I know that luck was on my side and that if I would have been distracted, they would have easily been able to speed away with my purse... But they didn't... and "All Izz Weeelllll", I tell myself :D
I wrap up day 10 by thanking God for my size and strength. I don't think I will ever crib about it again!