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The bruises on my hands have disappeared. I am happy but at the same time am mentally exhausted. I realise I have not got a real break for the longest time including weekends. I have been so busy running around doing chores and caught up in my routine, I am exhausted... and it is not the new diet which is the culprit, it is my lifestyle. I decide to call in sick and take the day off. Have massive plans to make good use of the day, to study and update my skill set and do some more spring cleaning... but unfortunately my sight falls on an old Mills and Boons book lying on my table which someone has just returned. It's been ages I read it and I cannot ignore the call of the book. It has been such a long time that I have had the liberty of reading a book at leisure, I give in to the call. Thinking I will finish it in a jiffy and get down to my to-do-list, I pick it up. Next I know is it is 4 pm and now my to-do list is screaming at me. It is not that my stomach didn't remind me of the passing time. It did at regular intervals and I did keep helping myself to the juice, salads, etc.

And now that I am free from the claws of the book, I will share what I had. My morning juice was a mixture of spinach, amla, orange and a pinch of salt.

In between the book reading session, I munch on a banana & finish the blueberries I picked up. Lunch is the soaked poha, tomato, onion, lemon, salt and cumin salad and a sasav of banana, grapes, jackfruit and mango. For dessert I have a sorbet of mango-orange-banana... something I had managed to grind and freeze in between my reading session :P I thoroughly enjoy the mix of flavours.

Post lunch my forehead is itching badly and I notice I have a slight rash on it. I do not bother calling S for this as he has already warned me that these are also on the detox symptoms list.

In the evening I finish the remains of the morning salad and have some makhana. I am craving very badly for a cup of tea. I call S to tell him I am cheating and having some tea. He gives me a lot of gyaan which I am in no mood to listen as my mind has shut down; but finally through the cracks of my dumb brain he manages to crawl through and he convinces me that all the effort I have put in will go down the drain, so I should stick to the plan. I still manage to take permission to drink juice out of a pack. I have orange juice lying in the fridge at home. I guzzle a glass full of the chilled juice. The sugar in it manages to calm me a bit and my brain finally stops its demand for tea. This spikes me for a long time and I am not really hungry even by dinner time. So I just decide to have my panipuri pani and call it a day.

Day 9 ends with a bit for cheating and a bit of control!

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