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I wake up with trepidation and doubt, wondering if I can even get through the day, let alone successfully finishing the 40 day challenge. I see my diet going for a toss even before I have started... so I force myself to try and to live by the moment and take each day as it comes.

I haven't really planned this enough, so I am randomly going to have to put ingredients together and try and ensure I have enough to go through the day. Then comes the challenge of packing the lunch into umpteen dabbas! I decide to carry the different components of my salad separately, i.e. without mixing them because the salad wilts within minutes of mixing the dressing. Along with this I decide to pack a lot of assorted fruits and veggies.

I guzzle 2 1/2 glasses of juice. It is a mix juice of carrots, grapes & mint. I have carried a big portion of salad for lunch. This is a mix of the purple cabbage and onion with very lightly roasted pumpkin and kohlrabi topped with a basic dressing of salt and lemon juice. I have carried an apple, a mixture of green and black grapes, cucumber sticks with Rajkot chutney (primary ingredients of which are groundnuts, green chillies, turmeric, salt and citric acid) as a dip and some dry fruits for the evening.

Photo Credit: Sorted for 7 Ltd

Generally used to a decent breakfast, my tummy is grumbling by the time I reach office. So I finish the fruits at an interval of every two hours. By lunch time which is around 1.30pm, the detox process has already started and my body is protesting. I have a splitting headache and am throwing up violently everything I have eaten since morning! I try to take a Saridon for the headache but within minutes, I run to the washroom. Now I am unable to keep even the water I am trying to sip down. In a feeble attempt to stop my head from hurting, I try to take another pill but within seconds it comes out. I give up, book an Uber and head home in a daze. Those salad and veggie dabbas will have to wait or a day. I dump them in the fridge.

Since my head has not stopped spinning, S advises me to take an enema. This tames the headache a bit but the hammering doesn't stop. So he asks me to do the Vaman (wherein one drinks a litre or two of warm water laced with salt depending on your capacity and forcefully throw it out). This yogic kriya helps expels bile from the system which is causing the acidity. My headache subsides in 15-20 minutes of doing this.

The moment my head stops hurting I realise I am exhausted and famished... so I go to the kitchen and have a whole alphonso mango and a few cucumber sticks. With a satisfied but tired tummy, I decide to call it a day hoping tomorrow will not be as bad.

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